Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sitting in a lecture at NAVC

As I was gleefully showing a fellow ER trencher my phone pictures of gross cases - a severe, severe maggot infestation, a massive laceration secondary to a hay tine, and a dog with his nose practically machete-d off, I realized there is something very, very wrong with me.


  1. My wife hates that gross pictures on my phone are mixed with family pictures. Nothing like trying to find grandmas birthday picture to stumble across a stallion with paraphimosis (sp? Sorry vet school professors)

  2. I have a vet friend who works at another clinic, and I really enjoy getting together socially and swapping stories, photos, and grossing out our husbands.

  3. LOL I sent a photo of an amputated dog penis to my son who's a 1st year vet student at MIZZOU.
