I want to help. I explain I don't really know much about it, and take a guess as what might be going on. I go on to say it's best if they take the pet to someone who sees that type of animal professionally, and suggest my friend drop me an email & I will write back with a referral (which I will need to try to find). I do think the problem will not just go away on its own.
I feel bad that I couldn't be more help. I hope my friend doesn't think less of me.
UPDATE: edited to fix typos.... Figured I'd also add that I did end up learning something from this when I contacted a friend who does see the species in question, and my friend sounded very very thankful for my meager assistance, so, I guess it's all good.
It ok to let me folks know that you have a work day, and an office. They are welcome to call said office during business hours and you'd be happy to help them then!